The Rainbow Minds Project was born from the brilliant minds of third-year Nursing students, who embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between the LGBTQI+ community and mental health services as part of a health promotion strategy. Picture a vibrant rainbow shining across the sky of inclusivity and support! The goal was to create a website that is as welcoming as a warm hug and as easy to navigate as a treasure map. With that in mind, my role was to design an interactive wonderland where anyone can connect with the community, discover a comprehensive Support Hub filled with helpful services, and even join exciting upcoming helpful events like mind-expanding seminars. Oh, and did I mention the Get Involved page? It's like a secret hideout where people can anonymously share their real-life experiences and follow fascinating discussions. With every pixel carefully chosen, this colourful masterpiece is bound to catch anyone's attention and spark a sense of wonder. 

And just like many of my design works, I have added these hand-drawn little people representing the multitude of life's complexities of all shapes and forms, painting the exquisite unity that emerges when individuals from diverse mental health backgrounds gather together. This final touch was made to captivate the beauty that arises from embracing our differences and celebrating our shared journey. The aim here was to provide a safe space and welcome everyone to get involved through shared experiences within RainbowMinds community.


Branding/ Packaging Design


Branding #3